Thursday, September 20, 2012


Economic stakes high in China-Japan islands dispute


BEIJING — The worst of the anti-Japanese protests that have swept China in recent days may be over. The financial fallout for the world's second- and third-biggest economies may be just beginning.

 北京 - 在最近几天席卷中国反日抗议活动最严重的可能已经结束。世界第二和第三大经济体的金融危机的余波可能才刚刚开始。

Japanese-owned factories, restaurants, mini-marts and clothing retailers across China closed en masse Tuesday as protests continued in nearly 100 cities, sparked by a dispute over control of uninhabited islands near Taiwan.


Automakers Nissan, Honda, Toyota and Mazda suspended operations at some plants, as did Sony. Hundreds of 7-Eleven shops run by a Japanese company were shuttered, as were dozens of outlets of the popular Gap-like Japanese clothing chain Uniqlo. Eateries serving Japanese food — even those with Chinese owners and staff — closed as well, shaken by weekend demonstrations that saw protesters overturning Japanese cars, looting businesses and setting factories on fire.

汽车制造商日产,本田丰田和马自达暂停运营,索尼也是数百日本人的7-Eleven便利店,许多大麦场,如日本服装连锁店优衣库(Uniqlo)都关门停业日本料理店 - 即使是那些老板和工作人员是中国人也关门了.周末示威活动,看到示威者推翻日本汽车,抢劫企业和工厂放火

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