Thursday, July 31, 2014

Foster City 防波堤使用小貼士

在Foster City,防波堤是一个很受欢迎的户外场所。男女老少在这里,有步行的、观鸟的、跑步的,还有溜滑轮的和骑单车的。
2014年6月28日周六, Foster City Parks and Recreation Committee 举办年度Levee Safety Day。以下是一些基本的防波堤安全规则:
  1. 不要一边步行/骑单车一边发短信
  2. 防波堤是双向道路。留在正确的车道上
  3. 如果你是一群人在步行,那麼不要把整条路都占了,要两两而行
  4. 如果你骑单车,那麼在靠近行人和人群时要减速。在越过行人时要大声说 “on your left.”
  5. 如果带著狗,那麼用短一点的狗绳将狗控制好。
A Message From the Parks and Recreation Committee: Enjoy the Levee, Safely
For Immediate Release: July 29, 2014
Contact: Kevin Miller, (650) 286-3388,

The levee is the most used outdoor venue in Foster City. On any given day, people of all ages can be found enjoying what I would like to call a mini-vacation. It is enjoyed by walkers, bird watchers, runners, inline-skaters, and cyclists.

The Foster City Parks and Recreation Committee holds an annual Levee Safety Day. On Saturday June 28, 2014, I had the pleasure of being a part of the event and got a chance to meet and talk to some of the levee users. Some of the suggestions to improve safety on the levee are summarized below.

The golden rule when enjoying a public space is to be courteous and share the road/levee. Here are some basic levee safety rules:-
  • Do not text and walk/ride
  • Keep in mind, the levee is a two way road. Stay in the right lane.
  • If you hear "on your left," move. The person saying it is trying to pass you and is on a bicycle or inline-skate.
  • If you are walking in a large group, do not take the whole path, walk in twos.
  • If you are on wheels, slow down when approaching a group of pedestrians and when approaching congested areas. Call out to pedestrians when passing "on your left."
  • Dog owners, keep dogs on a short leash.

Levee users expressed their excitement about the proposed addition of Destination Park and Werder Park and the enhancement they will provide to our parks system.

I would be remiss if I did not conclude by giving credit to the staff of our Parks and Recreations Department who keep the levee and all our parks first class facilities. Next time you see them, be sure to thank them for a job well done!

(Submitted on behalf of Sam Hindi, Secretary, Foster City Parks and Recreation Committee)

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