Thursday, January 14, 2010


I will start to use this blog to post our lessons and practice Chinese.

There are 3 pictures. You can click the "play button" and listen to the Voki voice. The first picture is my voice. Please listen few times then try to say it. we will continue to learn more on next week. The 2nd and 3rd are your own voices. You can see we had lots fun at the class.

校 長 好, 老 師 好, 同 學 好.
xiào zhǎng hǎo , lǎo shī hǎo ,tóng xué hǎo .
(Principal, teachers and students, how are you)

我 們 是 同 詠 小 學 中 文 班
wǒ men shì tóng yǒng xiǎo xué zhōng wén bān
(We are the students from Chinese Class)

Students practice

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