Wednesday, February 10, 2010

At the restaurant  

cān guǎn --(1)

*請問有幾? (wèi) (How many?)


*請問你要喝什麼 ? (What would you like to drink?)


*請問有菜 單 嗎? (cài dān) (Can I have the menu?)

*有, 請一下. (děng )(Ok, just wait for a moment)


*請問 廁 所 在哪裡 ?(cè suǒ) (Where is the restroom?)

*一直走, 然後往左轉. (yī zhí zǒu , rán hòu wǎng zuǒ zhuǎn )(Go straight then turn left)

*請再說一次, 我聽不 (dǒng)( Say again, I don’t understand)

*我要結 帳. (jié zhàng)(Can I have the bill?)


Let's talk about Chinese New Year.

恭喜發財, 身體健康(gōng xǐ fā cái , shēn tǐ jiàn kāng)

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