Thursday, January 27, 2011


中国人过年有许多习俗:放鞭炮 、给压岁钱、贴春联、拜年、舞龙舞狮、吃年夜饭、守岁、吃年糕「年年高昇」 回娘家、接财神等习俗。

February 3 is the Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year really is more taboo, according to custom, the Chinese New Year day, can not light a fire to cook, can not sweep the floor, not using needle. During Chinese New Year can not put the trash outside, so the "wealth" will be gone; not drying the clothes outside; break things immediately said, "Sui Sui Ping Ang  (broken pieces peace)."

There are many customs of Chinese New Year: firecrackers, red envelope money, couplets, wish Happy New Year to people, dragon and lion dance, eat new year eve dinner, stay up, eat cake "soaring every year," return to her family wealth is in such practices

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