Wednesday, March 28, 2012

自然災害 Part 4

船來了, 日本海嘯垃圾到北美  

一條日本漁船, 在加拿大的西海岸發現, 這是去年日本海嘯後, 第一個到北美的大型垃圾. 這條15公尺長的漁船大約漂了7568公里


Guǐ Ghost
海嘯 Hǎixiào Tsunami
垃圾 Lèsè debris
漁船 Yúchuán Fishing boat
海岸 Hǎi'àn Coast
發現 Fāxiàn Discover
Piào Drift
大型 Dàxín  Large piece
公尺 Gōng chǐ Meter
大約 Dàyuē About
公里 Gōnglǐ Kilometer
專家 Zhuānjiā Expert
破壞環境 Pòhuài huánjìng  Damage to the environment
海浪 Dàlàng  wave
捲走 Juǎn zǒu Swept away
物品 Wùpǐn Goods

A Japanese fishing boat has been spotted on the west coast of Canada.
The boat is the first piece of large tsunami debris to reach North America from year 2011 Japan earthquake. 
This 15 meter long fishing boat floated away about 7568 km.
No one is believed to be aboard and experts says it is not a danger to the environment. 
March 11, 2011, Japan earthquake and tsunami disaster, about 7 meters high waves swept away houses, cars and boats of many items.

Ghost ship video

Japan Tsunami-Debris Cruise Attracts Travelers to Ocean Garbage Patch

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